

Welcome to Valor Hour! 

At the closing of 2020, I felt the Lord leading me to start something in ministry directed towards women of all ages. I kind of pushed off the idea at first, thinking that all that I do for MJV Ministries and the reach we had was sufficient, until I heard His voice again, and this time He said "If you won't do it, I'll give it to someone else to do." 
Let's just say I GOT TO WORK!

Valor Hour came into my spirit as the name, and surprisingly enough the URL wasn't claimed (a sign for all creatives - amiright?) All kidding aside, this became something special to me. Valor Hour became about empowering others to "Rise with boldness in the final hour". To empower women not to hide behind the scenes, to take a stand for boldness, to win souls even when we don't feel the courage to approach people, to be "Life Givers" in our homes, in our marriage, in our families. This became more than just words on a tee shirt, this became a mandate. 

I want to encourage you, that ministry isn't just standing on a stage with a crowd in the room. Ministry starts in YOU. In your home, in the way you serve your spouse, in leading people to Jesus while you're running those mundane errands. We're all called to populate heaven, no matter the platform size we have. I pray that as you follow along, you become encouraged to RISE up to be all God has called you to be! 
- Sara V.